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XM gas-liquid multiphase flow pump

XM pump is a gas-liquid two-phase flow pump developed by the company. It mainly transports gas-liquid mixed medium (the maximum gas content is 20%). On the basis of X series chemical process pumps, through special design of impeller hydraulic model and flow-passing parts, it meets the requirements of working conditions. The products are mainly used for gas-liquid mixed delivery pumps in pharmaceutical micro-interface reaction and other industries.

Key words:

Key words:Zirconium,Pump

Product Consulting:

Product Description

XM pump is a gas-liquid two-phase flow pump developed by the company. It mainly transports gas-liquid mixed medium (the maximum gas content is 20%). On the basis of X series chemical process pumps, through special design of impeller hydraulic model and flow-passing parts, it meets the requirements of working conditions. The products are mainly used for gas-liquid mixed delivery pumps in pharmaceutical micro-interface reaction and other industries.

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